Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Any biographic information about Paolo Barrasso.

Who was the researcher?

He was born on August 5th 1949 in Sulmona. He taken Biology Science degree with a experimental thesis “Studio della ecologia comportamentale della volpe nell’ambiente dell’Abruzzo montano” “Behaviour and ecology study of fox onto mountain habitat of Abruzzo’s Region” and with a second thesis “La rabbia silvestre: problemi e prospettive” “Sylvan rabies: trouble and prospective”

During the time period between 1975 and 1976 he works and makes nice field collaboration with the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and with Word Wild Fund (WWF). His first interest and study was “The wolf in Italy, ecology and conservation”
During the same time, 1976, and during the 1977 his would have been responsible of field research of eco-ethology of fox onto the Abruzzo’s Mountain. This beautiful research was work down on commission by W.W.F Italy in joint venture with The Department of Zoology of Oxford.

During the year 1978 Paolo Barrasso cooperate at project “Promotion to the quality of environment” fund by C.N.R. (National Researcher Center) under project “Terrestrial zoocoenosis”. The goal was identify all mammalian Mediterranean fauna field “The fox of Burano’s oasis (Gr) and its Eco-ethology”

In October, 1978 he had taken stock study to USA. During the 1980 had been contact by National Forest Army of Valle d’Aosta Region to follow vaccine field experiment of mammalian. This vaccine was an experiment by Institute of Microbiology and Veterinary of University of Berna. In 1979-1981 was responsible of research of fox. The priority was to understand the cause of expansion of sylvan rabies in Italy. This kind of study was financed by Gran Paradiso National Park.

Paolo worked from 1981 to the death’s day for the Forest National Army in Abruzzo Region. Here had worked as naturalist into the Orfento’s Natural Reserve Valley and on Monte Corvo Reserve. Paolo worked full time to guarantee an optimum area to reintroduce a different species of ungulates in this area. This scientific project was able to create a naturalistic museum to Caramanico town. The goal, the target and final object of this museum had been to guarantee to the young generation the curiosity to the natural life style, area, wild fauna and wild flora. All of this was supported by continuing activity study with the major Italian University and was a nice, funny, laboratory to guarantee fresh and updated information to all student and common person that love to establish a perfect feeling with wild flora and fauna.
His last interest was to reintroduce the otter into the new natural reserve in Caramanico. This was the first success field experiment in Italy that allowed him the Silver “Airone” premium during the 1990. “Airone” was a nice magazine in Italy that inspired people to care about the planet. Was a fac-simile of National Geographic Magazine.

In October 27th 1991 Paolo died on the Mountain!

Probably the mountain has wished him only for her! That’s!

Today! Every day we still continuous to remember his honorable jobs undertaking to support every kind of natural cause. Environment cause and total respect for wild fauna, flora and to the wild mountains.
Ciao Paolo…

Good feeling between the wolf and Paolo Barrasso.